The inspiration for a convention to CELEBRATE WOMEN in recovery came from those attending such an event in Los Angeles.
They asked, why not San Diego?
That inspiration is being fanned into a bright light from the breath of desire for personal spiritual growth for all Women in Recovery, regardless of which 12 Step Program they participate.
It is the belief of the women of the Founding Convention Committee to help Women help ourselves and discover the best within. This convention is a place for all Women, through unity, to bring forward their individual and collective spiritual power for personal growth. Through personal power we can bring our best example of God’s light to all.
It is our hope that through our dedication to self esteem and group unity we may be an instrument of God, allowing the shinning light of God’s love to work in our lives.
Adopted 8/90
CWC San Diego
P.O. Box 740211
San Diego, CA 92174